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AC Cars was founded in 1907 and is the oldest British car manufacturer that is still producing cars today.

The name comes from the AC name of its first commercial three-wheeler - the car-carrier, which designed and built by John Weller was.

In 1908 a new passenger version called the AC Sociable was introduced. The name came about because were on the passenger seat and the driver's side by side and were not together with many other three-wheeled vehicles at the time. It was also the first time that the initials AC was used.

During manufacture of the First World War 1, further AC vehicles and artillery shells and fuses. In 1919 they were back in the car production complete with 10 hp and 12 hp engines. They were later replaced by a six-cylinder 16 hp model.

For years, the AC turned to the production of four-wheeled vehicles and did not bring another tricycle to the year 1953 with the small AC. The girl was powered by a 346cc single-cylinder two-stroke with power and de Villiers had an aluminum body in a lightweight steel frame.