4 link set up drag racing light car 4 link set up drag racing light car

4 link set up drag racing light car

4 link set up drag racing light car
4 link set up drag racing light car

4 link set up drag racing light car
4 link set up drag racing light car

4 link set up drag racing light car
4 link set up drag racing light car

The fourth round was had by Seth Barnes and Jayme as the race began his fight with Seth expects the arms of Jared, because both switched places at the start of the course .. The ninth round of the decisive moment of the race was and how it turned out the season as possible and Bergman Ridge tangled in turn one. Ridge eventually leading to the wall.Bergman was directly dropped off at the back by the collision. Ridge was visibly angry when he left his car and threw the bike to Bergman, as he showed by.Fans their hatred on the ridge that circled from the stands booed echo.

Seth directed to the pit area and drove the team into the Ridges Bergman face. A team member Ridges pushed and pushed with the father of Seth Seth, as he was, felt guilt for the wreck .. Seth team tries to repair the damage, but the time was over shortly and Seth for the night was after a promising start. For the rest of the event in the sprint race remained green .. Shane Stewart the victory with seconds stop Crockett.